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“利丰 冯汉柱终生服务成就奖( H C Fung Service Award )”




利丰 冯汉柱终生服务成就奨(H C Fung Service Award)

利丰 冯汉柱终生服务成就奨(H C Fung Service Award)该奨是美国烟花协会(APA)于1998年成立五十周年时,為了纪念逝世的前利丰集团主席冯汉柱 (Mr. Fung Hon Chu) 所特别设立。


冯汉柱(1911-1994) 曾为利丰集团公司主席,利丰公司于1906年成立,1973年于香港上市,是香港最著名的进出口贸易公司之一。其兒子冯国经一度传闻将成为香港特首。我曾于1991年在西雅图协会开会中与冯主席有过几次接触,记得他晚上十点多还与经理们开会讨论总结,对他那种在80歲时仍拥有的工作精神留下了深刻印象。他曾于50年代到处拜访美国客户推销鞭炮,也是香港塑膠花始祖。利丰至今黑猫(Black Cat) 品种历久弥新,我想他的血液中仍保留著对烟花的熱爱 (passion)。

2013年9月18日早上年会时由美国协会主席 Mr Steve Vitale 为我亲自颁奖,全体会议人员共300多人起立鼓掌祝贺。他在致词中提及“二十多年前来自台湾的一对父子到浏阳,他们改变了中国礼花弹的质量与癸展,竖立了同业标准,并给予全世界卓越的服务。诚信专业与服务是得奖人、他的家人和他的公司的标志。Jim Shih石景中还参与了近30埸的国际比赛燃放设计,獲得殊荣。同时也是世界级的烟花攝影艺术家,一位高尔夫球及网球好手。他长期以来参与及支持美国烟花协会活动,曾多次赞助年会燃放产品。”

我上台受奨时十分意外与驚喜(完全没有事先通知),尤其全体起立(对美国人而言)是种很高的肯定。我简短致词中几度哽咽:“我非常荣幸,感谢得奖,如果我早知道会得到,今天早上穿著会更正式点? 我希望家父也能站在这个台上。我们将会继续努力坚持,提供更好品质的礼花弹与服务,谢谢大家”

在獲奨后不少朋友前来祝贺,我觉得它就好象是高尔夫球赛中的一杆进洞(Hole in one),除了专业努力外还要有一点运气。自1989长年参与年会,与客户们交流溝通,及时了解最新质量法规要求,提供赞助服务等,建立了宝贵情谊。近几年来还参加协会高尔夫球赛,曾獲两次最远距离奖及2012年例赛团队亚军。我喜欢运动,喜欢那种比赛精神,也從中獲得压力的释放。





HC Fung Service Award

The HC Fung Service Award was presented or the first time at APA’s 50th Anniversary convention in 1998. It is named in honor of the late Fung Hon Chu, past Chairman of the Board of the Li & Fung Company, in Hong Kong.

The award is known as a lifetime achievement award, presented when deemed appropriate by the APA to a person as a reflection of distinguished service to the fireworks industry. The recipient is selected by APA’s Executive Committee.

Past recipients include Sam Lau & Oki Okuyama, Chi-Kay Chung, Francis Wu, Li & Fung, and Tom Chan.

The APA has not presented the award since our last honoree, received the award in 2008.

However, the APA Executive Committee felt strongly about presenting the award to a well deserving and distinguished Service member today.

Over 20 years ago, a young man born in Taiwan, and his father, made the rash judgment that they could build ultra high quality pyrotechnics for a better price and compete with the European and Japanese shell builders – and do it in Hunan, China.

This concept, back then, was brash and some thought terminally na?ve. Not only was this venture successful, but it singlehandedly changed the manufacturing paradigm in the Chinese Professional Fireworks industry. It became quite common in Liuyang to hear, “it’s just as good as Sunny” or “we stole some Sunny employees, so our products are better”.

If this wasn’t enough, in the 1990’s they opened an office in the United States, within arms reach of the U.S. tort system! Some saw this move as the pinnacle of naiveté, but that Washington, DC area office is still cranking today, offering outstanding world-wide service.

In the wild west environment of China manufacturing and exporting, this well-seasoned professional manufacturer and professional, has maintained a truthful and dependable position in the face of enormous changes not only in our industry, but China overall.

The professional integrity, honesty and service is the hallmark of our recipient today, his family and his company.

What many may not know about today’s recipient, are some of his personal achievements.? He has received over 30 awards for his choreography and precise synchronization of fireworks displays.? These awards encompass the world, including Montreal & Ottawa, Canada, Beijing & Shanghai, Korea, France, Belgium, and Portugal to name a few.

Our recipient is also a world class photographer, avid golfer and tennis player.? And some even say he is a wonderful karaoke singer --- for which I will deny any first-hand information!

Finally, our recipient is dedicated supporter of the APA and has always stepped up to support the APA, including significant product donations to enhance APA convention displays, most recently in San Francisco, Seattle and Louisville.?

Today, it my honor to present the H.C. Fung Service Award to Mr. Jim Shih, Sunny International.
 版权所有 景泰烟花上海公司 备案序号:沪ICP备05018461号 经营许可证号:000000022003120100079